I have been training with Dan since March 2015. Dan helped me setting goals, achieve them and set some new ones. He really understands how my mind works and pushes me just enough.
I have obtained results that I did not think possible. I am over 2 stones lighter, toned and feeling great. I couldn't recommend Dan enough. He's really good at what he does, good fun, serious and punctual.
Worth every penny.
After seeing some candid photo’s of myself, that I didn’t realise had been taken at a friend’s wedding, I was horrified at how I looked and the weight I had gained over several years.
I had a reality check that I needed to do something. I had previously been very active when younger but over time I had lost confidence in my ability to exercise. After an internet search I found Dan and started training weekly with him.
Dan is a motivational, supportive, punctual, dependable personal trainer, who never lets you down. All his sessions are tailored specifically to help you reach your goals. They are varied every week and he pitches the difficulty perfectly so you are challenged but still achieve. I am now nearly at my weight loss goal. I now look forward to rather than dread, shopping trips for clothes, going out with friends and work events.
The compliments I receive from friends, colleagues and family not only about my weight loss but how strong and toned I look is a great feeling. Dan listens to you and supports you to reach your goals.
I really enjoyed training with Dan and Gaynor, both trainers work differently but are constantly in touch with each other to ensure that you get the best possible workout each week. They are both fun and light hearted yet they managed to push me farther than I physically thought I was able.
I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and can quite easily throw a 12kg kettlebell around. No more skulking at the back of a body pump class for me with a 0.5kg weight!! They have given me confidence and self-belief in my fitness levels and helped me not only with exercise but with diet too.
I feel fitter, I look fitter and I have more energy than ever – exactly what I wanted from personal training sessions. Thank you Dan and Gaynor for my killer right upper cut and for giving me the motivation and confidence to continue exercising!